Our Principles

At Transformlink, we approach leadership development with a profound understanding of
the complexities inherent in personal and organizational growth.

Our approach is rooted in several key principles that guide our work:

We recognize that individuals operate from different stages of consciousness development.

Therefore, our programs are designed to facilitate the expansion and deepening of
consciousness among leaders. We believe that understanding one’s own beliefs and values,
as well as those of others, is crucial for effective leadership.
True leadership can only emerge when individuals lead from within themselves.

Our programs focus on cultivating internal alignment and authenticity.
We emphasize that leadership goes beyond mere managerial skills. 

It involves a deep understanding of self, others, and the context in which leadership occurs. 

Our approach to leadership development views it as a vertical process of growth and transformation, rather than simply acquiring new skills or knowledge. 

We recognize that effective leadership requires the integration of all aspects of human experience — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Leadership development is seen as a transformative journey, where individuals evolve into
more authentic and compassionate leaders. Our programs are tailored to the specific needs
and context of the organization, ensuring relevance and effectiveness.

Know where to Start

Understanding where to start is key for leadership development. The Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) provides a complete and deep map of where a leader is in terms of their stage development, reactive tendencies, and creative competencies.


Leadership Circle assessments are best-in-class tools that empower leaders with clear-cut insights into their leadership strengths and development opportunities. Driven by an exhaustive database of over 4 million assessments, the Leadership Circle Profile 360° assessment is a data-driven model for leadership development, trusted by the most influential companies in the world.

The Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) is the only 360° leadership assessment tool to uncover underlying habits for transformational change. Our model tracks and measures:

Core behavior patterns

Underlying beliefs

Established assumptions

Habits of thought

Transforming Self

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth with our Leading Self Program. Designed to empower individuals with the essential skills of self-leadership, this program offers a comprehensive framework to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and purpose. Through a series of interactive sessions, you will delve into key areas such as understanding your challenges, shifting from technical to adaptive leadership, and cultivating self-awareness.

Transforming Team

The Leading Teams program empowers leaders with essential skills to navigate the complexities of team dynamics and drive collective success. Participants delve into understanding team behavior, roles, and relationships, gaining insights to optimize leadership approaches. Through interactive workshops, they learn to adapt strategies amidst change, overcoming common pitfalls like the setup-to-failure syndrome, fostering resilience, and continuous improvement.

Transforming Organization

The Leading Organization Program equips leaders with essential skills for navigating organizational complexities and driving positive change. Participants learn to articulate compelling visions, craft organizational narratives, and identify effective leadership role models. They develop the ability to frame situations and foster understanding while addressing biases and promoting diversity.

Leading Change

Leading Change is a transformative leadership development program aimed at equipping leaders with the skills to navigate and orchestrate meaningful transformations within their organizations. At its core, the program emphasizes a deep understanding of organizations as complex systems, comprising both visible and invisible elements. By recognizing the interconnectedness of these components, leaders gain insights into the underlying order, structure, and balance within the organizational system, enabling them to identify areas for change and alignment.

Find Your Answer

Frequently Asked Question

Senior Executives: Seasoned leaders who wish to reflect on their leadership journey, refine their leadership approach, and explore new ways to lead with purpose, vision, and integrity.

Entrepreneurs: Business owners and entrepreneurs who want to align their personal values with their business endeavors, develop resilience in the face of challenges, and lead their organizations with clarity and inspiration.

Executives and Senior Leaders: Senior-level executives who oversee multiple teams or departments and seek to enhance their leadership skills to drive organizational success.

Human Resources Leaders: HR professionals who are involved in people and organizational development and wish to enhance leadership capacity to lead teams, organizations, and change more effectively.

Change Agents: Professionals who are driving change within their organizations or industries and want to cultivate the inner strength, resilience, and vision needed to lead change initiatives effectively.